What is a Conversion?

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What is a Conversion?


A website conversion is any strong action taken by a site visitor that results in moving the visitor further down the sales process. A conversion can be a visitor becoming a lead or a paying customer. Most often, a conversion is easily defined by an action that is verifiable and trackable.   There are many kinds of conversions, some more important and more vital to the success of your business (such as an e-commerce purchase) while others are still important but indirectly impact sales (such as a click to call button on a Google Maps result you found on your smartphone).  Thus, not all conversions are created equal.

Here are some of the most common types of conversions that are important to track:

  • Any time a customer submits contact information to download white paper
  • Calls a business after visiting their website
  • Clicks through to a category or product page
  • Adds a product to their shopping cart
  • Or moves to the next stage in the checkout process

These are all different forms of engagement and some are more qualified than others, but they are all examples of a potential customer converting. That is why it’s important to define your goals, place a value on them and track various forms of conversions on your website.



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